Trimester 3 – Week 34 – Day 2

WOD at Home Mom Week 34 – DAY 2



10 Alternating Knee Hugs

10 Alternating Quad Stretches

10 Air Squats

10 meters Duck Walking

10 seconds Butt Kicks (50% Effort)

10 seconds High Knees (50% Effort)

10 seconds Butt Kicks (75% Effort)

10 seconds High Knees (75% Effort)

10 seconds Butt Kicks (90% Effort)

10 seconds High Knees (90% Effort)

Skills / Strength

5 Sets (1:30 Rest)

Air Squats to Step-ups: Do 1 air squat and then a step up onto a low box (or you can stack bumper plates), repeat 5 more times.


12:00 AMRAP (As Many Reps As Possible in 12 minutes)

10 Strict Pull-ups

Fitness Level Substitution: Kipping Pull-ups

Fitness Level Substitution: Banded Pull-ups OR Ring Rows

10 Push-ups: Elevate yourself using bumper plates, box, or wall

Fitness Level Substitution:  Knee Push-ups, Scapular push-ups.


10 Step-ups (Women: 20″ / PG: 16” / Beginner: 12″)

Equipment Substitution: Tuck Jumps

Set a clock for 12 minutes and perform as many of the above, in order, as you can.  Do 10 pull-ups before moving on to 10 push-ups and then to 10 step-ups.  Once you finish a round, go straight into the next round.  Try and do all the pull-ups without kipping.  Post your rounds to comments.


 3 Sets (1:00 Rest)

10 Push-ups: Elevate yourself using bumper plates, box, or wall

Fitness Level Substitution:  Knee Push-ups, Scapular push-ups.

Go nice and slow.  Work on perfect form.

WOD at Home ©2012