Sample WOD

WOD at Home programming follows a 3-days on, 1-day off schedule.  The off days will still keep you moving, but will be focused more on more skill work, sport specific movements, and post work-out recovery.  This allows for maximum intensity in each of the work-outs without over training the body.  Each workout post will have multiple sections: 1) Mobility, 2) Warm-up, 3) Skill/Strength, 4) WOD (Work-out of the Day), and 5) Cool-down.  Please check-out the Sample WOD at the bottom of the page.




“Stretching only focuses on lengthening short and tight muscles. Mobilization, on the other hand, is a movement-based integrated full-body approach that addresses all the elements that limit movement and performance including short and tight muscles, soft tissue restriction, joint capsule restriction, motor control problems, joint range of motion dysfunction, and neural dynamic issues. In short, mobilization is a tool to globally address movement and performance problems” (

This section will educate with videos from various sources and help you prepare your body for what is to come in the later sections of the post.  The better you are able to get your body into the proper positions, the more efficient your movements will be.  More efficiency equals safer, more weight on the bar, and faster times.




“We need a warm-up that will increase body temperature and heart rate, provide some stretching, stimulate the entire body and major biomechanical functions, provide practice for basic movements, and finally, prepare for rigorous athletic training” (CrossFit Journal: A Better Warm-up).

This section of the post will either walk-you through a warm-up or educate you on how to improve your current warm-up.



Skill / Strength

WOD at Home uses a lot of Met-Cons (A.K.A. Metabolic Conditioning or WODs). A good strength and conditioning program has a well thought out mixture pure strength movements, explosive strength movements, skill work to improve your movement, and WODs that prepare the athlete for anything that may show-up in life.  This is where that skill and strength work will be addressed to complement the WODs.



WOD (Work-out of the Day)

Usually for time, load, or reps, the work-out will the primary focus each day.  They will challenge you physically and mentally as you work your butt off to complete it.  What you get out of this program is what you put in.  WODs are typically between 3 and 30 minutes where you working as hard as you can.  Occasionally, but not often, we will repeat a WOD and make a reference to when we did it before.   This way you can track your progress with the program.  Tested in the gym with scaling options for your home.




We utilize a cool-down to help your body recover and adapt.  We will utilize the cool-down in a few different ways, sometimes with some additional skill-work for muscle memory, some additional core work, or just getting some reps in at a lower weight to de-load your body.



How to Follow WOD at Home

Ideally you would look at WOD at Home each day.  Make your way through each of the sections for a complete and incredible work-out.  Sometimes, you will find that you do not have time to complete everything that day.  Here is the priority order you should follow if you are low on time.

  1. Warm-up
  2. WOD (Work-out of the Day)
  3. Cool-down
  4. Mobility
  5. Skills / Strength


Sample WOD #1


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