Mobility Warm-up Warm-up jump roping today and practicing double-unders. If you have double-unders, practice going as fast as you can. You should be capable of multiple speeds of double-unders. The WOD today calls for fast double-unders. Do a YouTube search on “Rage 2 Minute Technique” to find a series of great jump roping videos. Skills /…
Mobility Warm-up 10 PVC Pipe Pass-throughs Equipment Substitution: Use a broom stick or a band. Do not attempt with a barbell. 1:00 left-legged Couch Stretch 1:00 right-legged Couch Stretch 5 Downward Dog Push-ups Fitness Level Substitution: Downward Dog Knee Push-ups 10 PVC Pipe Pass-throughs Equipment Substitution: Use a broom stick or a band. Do not attempt with a barbell. 20 Jumping…
Mobility Warm-up Coach Burgener’s “Junk Yard Dog” warm-up. If you don’t have a partner, be creative. Skills / Strength 20 Sets (0:20 Rest) 1 Max Broad Jump Attempt Perform 20 max broad jumps resting around 20 seconds between each one. Be sure to fully open your hips (clench your butt) while in the air before quickly closing…
Mobility Warm-up 400m Jog 10 Knee Hugs 10 Quad Stretch 10 Frankenstein Kicks 10 Air Squats 10 meters of Duck Walking 10 Arm Circles Forward 10 Arm Circles Backward 5 Downward Dog Push-ups Fitness Level Substitution: Downward Dog Knee Push-ups Skills / Strength Spend some time working on your kipping pull-ups. Keep in mind, you will be doing 110 pull-ups in the WOD,…
Mobility Warm-up 10 PVC Pipe Pass-throughs Equipment Substitution: Use a broom stick or a band. Do not attempt with a barbell. 1:00 left-legged Couch Stretch 1:00 right-legged Couch Stretch 5 Downward Dog Push-ups Fitness Level Substitution: Downward Dog Knee Push-ups 10 PVC Pipe Pass-throughs Equipment Substitution: Use a broom stick or a band. Do not attempt with a barbell. 20 Jumping…
Mobility Warm-up 3 X 10 Seconds Hollow Body Hold 10 Hollow Body Rocks 10 Walking Lunges 10 Push-ups Fitness Level Substitution: Banded Push-up OR Knee Push-up 10 Air Squats 10 meters of Duck Walking 10 Arm Circles Backwards 10 Arm Circles Forward Skills / Strength Skills / Strength Rest Day WOD 1:00, 3:00, 8:00 AMRAPs (2:00 Rest) 15 Burpee Box Jumps (Men: Jump onto a 45lb Bumper Plate…
Mobility Warm-up 10 seconds Butt Kicks (50% Effort) 10 seconds High Knees (50% Effort) 10 seconds Butt Kicks (75% Effort) 10 seconds High Knees (75% Effort) 10 seconds Butt Kicks (100% Effort) 10 seconds High Knees (100% Effort) Skills / Strength Box Jump Efficiency Tips!!! Efficiency Tips Also keep in mind why you are doing this. If you want to be in CrossFit competitions, you must learn…