1:00 Neck Rolls
0:20 Big Arm Circles Backwards
3 X 0:20 Hollow Body Hold
400m Jog
10 Air Squats
Strength Warm-up
5 Front Squats (Just the Bar)
5 Front Squats (40% of your Push Press Max)
5 Front Squats (50% of your Push Press Max)
3 Front Squats (60% of your Push Press Max)
1 Front Squats (80% of your Push Press Max)
If you do not know your front squat max, then guess for the warm-up. You should find it today:)
Skills / Strength
3 Sets (3:00 Rest)
1 Front Squat (1 Rep Max)
*If you do not have a squat rack, you will need to Power Clean the weight to your shoulders
Perform 3 sets with only one front squat in each set. Rest at least 3 minutes between sets for your body to fully recover. Take three attempts at the heaviest front squat you can do. Know-Think-Hope: For your first attempt, use a weight you know you can lift. For the second, use a weight you think you can get, and for the third, use a weight you hope you can get. If you are new to the movement, then perform 5 reps in each set with a weight you can manage. We must first build up your joint strength and form before we pile the weight on.
10:00 EMOTM (Every Minute on the Minute for 10 minutes)
4 Burpees
15 Kettlebell Swings (Men: 70lb / Women: 55lb / Beginner: 15lb)
Fitness Level Substitution: Russian Kettlebell Swings
Set a clock with 10 one-minute rounds. At the start of every minute, do 4 burpees and 15 kettlebell swings. Your goal is to complete all 10 rounds. If you finish a round in 45 seconds, then you have 15 seconds to rest before the next round starts. If you finish in 55 seconds, then you have only 5 seconds to rest before you start your next round. If a round takes you more than a minute, say 1:05, then rest for the next 55 seconds until the next minute starts. Post your total completed rounds to comments.
3 Sets (Not for Time)
10 Russian Kettlebell Swings (Light)
The kettlebell swing is not a shoulder exercise although many beginners try and lift the kettlebell up with their shoulders. Use your hips and jump the weight up.
WOD at Home ©2012 – present