Strength Warm-up
5 Push Presses (Just the Bar)
5 Push Presses (40% of your Push Press Max)
5 Push Presses (50% of your Push Press Max)
3 Push Presses (60% of your Push Press Max)
1 Push Presses (80% of your Push Press Max)
If you do not know your push press max, then guess for the warm-up. You should find it today:)
Skills / Strength
3 Sets (4:00 Rest)
1 Push Press (1 Rep Max)
Know, Think, Hope. After your warm-up, you will get three attempts at the heaviest push press you can do, A.K.A. your one rep max. Choose weights wisely. For your first attempt, chose a weight you know you can get, but is challenging. For your second attempt, choose a weight you think you can get and then for the third attempt, choose a weight you hope you can get. Post your heaviest successful push-press to comments. Unfortunately, if you do not have a squat rack, you will need to Power Clean the weight to your shoulders which may make the lift a little harder.
For Time
400 meter Run
30 Wallball Shots(Men: 20lb to a 10′ target / Women: 16lb to a 10′ target / Beginner: 10lb to an 8′ target)
Equipment Substitution: Thrusters (Men: 45lb / Women: 30lb / Beginner: 15lb)
Fitness Level Substitution: Push Presses
15 Power Cleans (Men: 135lb / Women:95lb / Beginner: 35lb)
10 Overhead Barbell Walking Lunges (Men: 135lb / Women:95lb / Beginner: 35lb or Broomstick)
15 Power Cleans (Men: 135lb / Women:95lb / Beginner: 35lb)
30 Wallball Shots (Men: 20lb to a 10′ target / Women: 16lb to a 10′ target / Beginner: 10lb to an 8′ target)
400 meter Run
Run 400 meter, then do 30 wallball shots. Try and get through these quickly as you are going to have to break things up later and they will not be as easy the second time around. Then do 15 power cleans, 10 overhead walking lunges, 15 more power cleans, 30 more wallball shots, and one last 400 meter runs.
Wallball Shot
Power Clean
Overhead Barbell Lunge
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