Building a Home Gym

First, ask yourself a few questions

  • What do I want from my gym?
  • Is this the only place I workout? Is this a supplement to my regular gym.
  • What’s my budget?
  • How much space do I have?

Based off 12 years buying and selling gym equipment for various home gyms and Crossfit boxes, we have put together the following guide.

Our preferred providers are:

Due to the current situation, there has been huge demand so many items are picked over. Get yours ordered while you can.

The Bare Minimum Package

The bare minimum Home Gym equipment to perform WODs during the quarantine and beyond is very simple. You will be able to modify any WOD to fit this equipment.

  • Pull-up Bar (Cheap option = Doorway Pull-up bar; Expensive option = Squat rack )
  • Kettlebell and/or Dumbbell(s)
  • Jump Rope
  • Strength Band
  • Ruck (optional, but can replace Kettlebell and Dumbbell in cases albeit not perfectly)

The Small Space Package

If you are looking to beef up your at home stuff using as little space as possible, I recommend:

The Full Package

You’ll have an awesome gym to do every WOD movement. This is a great asset to build your fitness with. It will be expensive so make sure you are committed. In addition to the items listed above, you’ll want:

Other Considerations

This would be contrary to this situation and I would prioritize at least the minimum recommendation above, but personally I like to have things at home that we don’t typically get to use in classes, so when I am playing around at home, I like to do something novel:

Quality Brands include:



Vaughn (high quality)
