Trimester 1 – Week 1 – Day 2

WOD at Home Mom Week 1 – Day 2



10 Air Squats

10 Goblet Squats

10 Downward Dog Push-ups

  • Fitness Level Substitution: Downward Dog Knee Push-ups

10 Inch Worms

Skills / Strength

To get the weight overhead for the waiter walks in the WOD, you will do a Kettlebell Clean and Jerk.  Be sure to practice this with the weight you are planning on using for the WOD before you start the WOD.


11:00 AMRAP (As Many Reps and Rounds As Possible in 11 minutes)

10 Push-ups

Fitness Level Substitution: Knee Push-ups

20 Kettlebell Sumo-deadlift High-pulls (Women: 55lb / PG: 35 lb / Beginner: 25lb)

20 meter Right-handed Kettlebell Waiter Walk (Women: 55lb / PG: 35 lb / Beginner: 25lb)

20 meter Left-handed Kettlebell Waiter Walk (Women: 55lb / PG: 35 lb / Beginner: 25lb)

Set the clock for 11 minutes and perform as much of the above as possible.  10 Push-ups, 20 SDHPs, and 20m waiter walk with each arm.  Clean and jerk the kettlebell to get it into position for the waiter walks.  Post your time to comments.


10 Air Squats

10 Goblet Squats

10 Downward Dog Push-ups

  • Fitness Level Substitution: Downward Dog Knee Push-ups

10 Inch Worms