Hello WOD at Homers!
We are thrilled to announce that IN ADDITION to your WOD at Home membership our WOD at Home MOM Pregnancy WODs are available to support you through your 9 months of pregnancy providing:
- 280 work-outs, organized by trimester, week, and day to match your specific point in your pregnancy,
- Daily Movement and Mobility to prepare you for the day’s work-out,
- Dynamic Warm-up,
- Skill/Strength work,
- Pregnancy WODs strategically planned and tested by WOD at Home Coach, Aly (CrossFit Level 1 Trainer), during her recent pregnancy, with details and instructions you will not get from other WOD websites,
- Cool-down,
- Exactly how to scale or modify each movement for your stage of pregnancy, fitness limitations, or due to equipment limitations,
- Movement pictures and links to online videos explaining each of the movements in the WOD, so there are no questions about if you are doing the correct move or performing it safely,
- Access to the WOD at Home work-outs, so you can seamlessly continue your WODs after pregnancy and feel comfortable modifying and scaling to your needs and current fitness level.
Check Out the Pregnancy WODs HERE!
Do you know someone who is pregnant? SHARE this post with them, and they can get the first week of Pregnancy WODs FREE!!!