Equipment Substitution: Use a broom stick or a band. Do not attempt with a barbell.
1:00 left-legged Couch Stretch
1:00 right-legged Couch Stretch
Fitness Level Substitution: Downward Dog Knee Push-ups
Equipment Substitution: Use a broom-stick or a band. Do not attempt with a barbell.
Fitness Level Substitution: Downward Dog Knee Push-ups
Equipment Substitution: Use a broom stick or a band. Do not attempt with a barbell.
10 Overhead Squats (PVC Pipe or just the Barbell)
Fitness Level Substitution: Air Squats with hands in the air.
Skills / Strength
1 Attempt
Max Reps of Butterfly Pull-ups
Fitness Level Substitution: Kipping Pull-ups OR Banded Pull-ups OR Ring Rows
You get one chance to get as many pull-ups as you can before coming off of the bar. This is another great benchmark to track your progress. Post your total pull-ups to comments.
5 Sets (2:00 Rest)
Max Reps of Handstand Push-ups
Fitness Level Substitution: Pike Push-ups
You get 5 sets, resting 2:00 between each set, to get as many handstand push-ups as you can. As soon as you come down off the wall, your set is over.
2:00 AMRAP
In two minutes, perform as many burpees as possible.
Equipment Substitution: Use a broom stick or a band. Do not attempt with a barbell.
1:00 left-legged Couch Stretch
1:00 right-legged Couch Stretch
Fitness Level Substitution: Downward Dog Knee Push-ups
Equipment Substitution: Use a broom-stick or a band. Do not attempt with a barbell.
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