Karaoke (Down and Back)
10 Push-ups
Fitness Level Substitution: Knee Push-ups
10 Air Squats
Skills / Strength
5 Sets (1:00 Rest)
1 Right-handed Turkish Get-up
1 Left-handed Turkish Get-up
Fitness Level Substitution: Turkish Get-ups with just your hand in the air.
Perform 5 sets of 1 Turkish get-up with each arm resting a minute between each set. Start with a light kettlebell and work your way up to the heaviest Turkish get-up you can do with both hands.
2 X “Death By Push Press”
Perform 1 Push Press (Men: 135lb / Women: 95lb / Beginner: 35lb) the first minute, 2 the second minute, 3 the third, and so on until you cannot complete the number of push presses for that round. Once you fail, start back over at 1 and do it one more time. Post you highest completed round to comments.
Fitness Level Substitution: Banded Push-ups or Knee Push-ups
Tabata intervals are 20 seconds of working as hard as you can followed by 10 seconds of rest and repeating for a total of 8 rounds. Perform as many push-ups as you can in 20 seconds the rest for only 10 seconds and repeat for a total of 8 rounds.
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