3 Rounds (Not for Time)
Fitness Level Substitution: Banded Pull-ups OR Ring Rows
5 Push-ups
Fitness Level Substitution: Banded Push-ups or Knee Push-ups
Skills / Strength
5 Sets (2:00 Rest)
3 Weighted Strict Pull-ups (3 RM)
Fitness Level Substitution: Strict Pull-ups or Banded Pull-ups
We are looking for sets of 3 pull-ups where you make it as challenging for yourself as possible with still maintaining full range of motion. You can hook your feel in a kettlebell to add weight to your strict pull-ups. If you cannot perform a strict pull-up, then choose the least amount of band tension possible for your 3 pull-ups. There is no magic to the number 3 besides we want it hard enough to do a few amount of reps. If you get three easily, then keep going. Doing 3 easily means you only did 3 reps of a larger set. If you can get 5…do 5. Your goal is the heaviest set of 3 possible (3 RM = 3 Rep Max).
12:00 EMOTM (Every Minute on the Minute for 12 minutes)
3 Thrusters (Men: 135 / Women: 95 / Beginner: 35)
Set-up the clock for 12 X 1 minute rounds. At the top of every minute, perform 3 thrusters and 5 lateral burpees. Take the bar from the ground each time so you will have to Squat Clean or Power Clean the weight to your shoulders to start the thruster each time. Rest with the remaining time in the minute. If you do not finish your round, then rest the next minute. Post your total completed rounds to comments.
3 Sets (1:00 Rest)
10 Push-ups
Fitness Level Substitution: Banded Push-ups or Knee Push-ups
WOD at Home ©2012 – present