10 Air Squats
Fitness Level Substitution: Downward Dog Knee Push-ups
10 Inch Worms
10 Front Squats (Just the bar)
5 Squat Cleans (Just the bar)
Fitness Level Substitution: Power Clean and then a Front Squat or just a Power Clean.
EMOTM (Every Minute on the Minute)
1 Clean and Jerk (Men: 135lb / Women: 95lb / Beginner: 35lb)
Fitness Level Substitution for the squat clean: Power Clean and then a Front Squat or just a Power Clean.
As a warm-up, perform 1 clean and jerk on the minute for 10 minutes totaling 10 clean and jerks. Really spend this time working on your form and trying to make every clean and jerk as perfect as possible. Use a weight which is about 50-70% of what you hope to max out on today to get your form dialed in. Typically, the jerk is the limiting factor in the clean and jerk.
Skills / Strength
5 Attempts (3:00 Rest)
1 Clean and Jerk (1 RM)
After the warm-up, take 5 attempts to find your max clean and jerk. Use the first couple attempts to work your way up to what you hope your max will be. Post your best completed lift to comments. We will be working on the clean and jerk a lot in the next few weeks, so this is to just get our starting number;)
Thrusters (Men: 75lb / Women: 45lb / Beginner: 15lb)
Push Presses (Men: 75lb / Women: 45lb / Beginner: 15lb)
Fitness Level Substitution: Banded Pull-ups OR Ring Rows
You will perform 5 rounds as fast as you can with the number of reps in each round decreasing. The first round will have 15 thrusters, then 15 push presses, then 15 pull-ups, then 12 of each movement and on down to 3 each movement (15-12-9-6-3). Use a little bit lighter weight then you typically use for the WODs as there are a TON of presses overhead in this WOD. Post your time to comments.
3 Sets (1:00 Rest)
5 Strict Presses (Just the bar)
WOD at Home ©2012 – present