Equipment Substitution: Use a broom stick or a band. Do not attempt with a barbell.
1:00 left-legged Couch Stretch
1:00 right-legged Couch Stretch
Fitness Level Substitution: Downward Dog Knee Push-ups
Equipment Substitution: Use a broom stick or a band. Do not attempt with a barbell.
Fitness Level Substitution: Downward Dog Knee Push-ups
Equipment Substitution: Use a broom stick or a band. Do not attempt with a barbell.
10 Overhead Squats (PVC Pipe or just the Barbell)
Fitness Level Substitution: Air Squats with hands in the air.
Skills / Strength
Skills / Strength Rest Day
7 Rounds (1:00 Rest)
1:00 Max Reps of Overhead Squats (Men: 75lb / Women: 45lb / Beginner: 15lb or PVC Pipe)
Fitness Level Substitution: Air Squats with hands in the air.
1:00 Max Reps of Toes-to-bars
Fitness Level Substitution: Knees-to-elbow OR Kipping OR Hang on the bar for 1 second per rep OR V sit-ups.
1:00 Max Reps of Burpees
Perform 7 rounds of the above. This is for your total number of reps from all 7 rounds. Adding up reps at the end of the WOD tends to be the hardest part;) Count your total reps for each round and add them at the end. Each round will consist of having 1 minute to get in as many overhead squats as possible, immediately followed by a minute to get in as many toes-to-bars as possible, and then straight into a minute for as many burpees as possible. There is no rest between exercises, so you will need to transition to the next movement as fast as you can to not waste too much time. You will get a minute of rest between rounds and then you will repeat those three exercises for a total of 7 rounds. Post your total reps to comments.
Equipment Substitution: AbMat Sit-ups using a rolled-up towel
Tabata intervals are 20 seconds of working as hard as you can followed by 10 seconds of rest and repeating for a total of 8 rounds. Complete as many sit-ups as you can in 20 seconds and then rest for 10 seconds. Repeat for a total of 8 rounds.
WOD at Home ©2012 – present