3 Rounds (Not for Time)
7 Thrusters (Just the bar)
Fitness Level Substitution: Push Presses
Fitness Level Substitution: Banded Pull-ups OR Ring Rows
This is not for time, it is to get you nice and warm before you attempt a max thruster. Perform 3 rounds of 7 thrusters and 7 pull-ups to get warm.
Skills / Strength
1-1-1 (3:00 Rest)
Thruster (1RM)
Take three attempts at finding your one rep max (1RM) thruster. Rest 3 minutes between each attempt. This is as much weight as you can front squat and then push press over your head using proper form. The trick to the thruster is to have all the bar weight on your shoulders (not in your hand) and explode up from the front squat throwing the bar in the air and then press it the rest of the way over your head. Post your heaviest thruster to comments.
For Time
60 Thrusters (Men: 95lb / Women: 65lb / Beginner: 35lb)
Fitness Level Substitution: Push Presses
*Every time you have to put the bar on the ground, you must perform 7 toes-to-bars before you can pick the bar back up.
Fitness Level Substitution: Knees-to-elbow OR Hanging Knee Raises OR Hang on the bar for 1 second per rep OR V sit-ups.
Perform 60 thrusters for time. Do this in as few sets as possible because there is a penalty for putting the bar down. Every time you put the bar down, you must do 7 toes-to-bars before you may continue with your thrusters. Post your total time to comments.
1:00 Arm Circles
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