3 Rounds (Not for Time)
10 Air Squats
10 Push-ups
Fitness Level Substitution: Banded Push-up OR Knee Push-up
10 Kettlebell Sumo-deadlift High-pulls (Very Light)
Perform 3 rounds nice and slowly. Do everything as perfectly and methodically as possible. When you get to the sumo-deadlift high-pulls, do the first round in slow motion, the second round at about 50% and the third round at full speed. Focus on working your biggest muscles first and then your smallest last. Start with the weight on the ground close to your vertical shins and your chest high in a wide stance with a narrow grip. Explode into a deadlift pull with your hips and legs keeping your arms straight. As soon as your hips fully open (standing straight up), pull with your upper back. Once that is exhausted, pull the rest of the way with your arms. Everything should flow together smoothly, but get everything out of your biggest muscles before moving on to the smaller ones.
Skills / Strength
Skills / Strength Rest Day
This WOD is made up of multiple AMRAPs with 2:00 rest between each one.
4:00 AMRAP (As Many Reps As Possible in 4 minutes)
12 Kettlebell Sumo-deadlift High-pulls (Men: 70lb / Women: 55lb / Beginner: 25lb)
Fitness Level Substitution: Banded Pull-ups OR Ring Rows
2:00 Rest
3:00 AMRAP (As Many Reps As Possible in 3 minutes)
12 Air Squats
12 Push-ups
Fitness Level Substitution: Banded Push-ups or Knee Push-ups
2:00 Rest
2:00 AMRAP (As Many Reps As Possible in 2 minutes)
12 Kettlebell Swings (Men: 70lb / Women: 55lb / Beginner: 25lb)
Fitness Level Substitution: Russian Kettlebell Swings
12 Kettlebell Goblet Walking Lunges (Men: 70lb / Women: 55lb / Beginner: 25lb)
2:00 Rest
1:00 AMRAP (As Many Reps As Possible in 1 minute)
This WOD is made up of multiple AMRAPs (As Many Rounds/Reps As Possible) with 2:00 rest between each one. A 4 minute, 3 minute, 2 minute, and a 1 minute AMRAP. Each rep throughout the AMRAPs count the same. Post your total reps to comments.
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