10 Alternating Knee Hugs
10 Alternating Quad Stretches
10 Air Squats
10 meters Duck Walking
10 seconds Butt Kicks (50% Effort)
10 seconds High Knees (50% Effort)
10 seconds Butt Kicks (75% Effort)
10 seconds High Knees (75% Effort)
10 seconds Butt Kicks (100% Effort)
10 seconds High Knees (100% Effort)
Skills / Strength
Skills / Strength Rest Day
10 X 1:00 ROUNDS (1:00 REST)
10 Kettlebell Swings (Men: 70lb / Women: 55lb / Beginner: 25lb)
Fitness Level Substitution: Russian Kettlebell Swings
Max Reps of Wallball Shots (Men: 20lb to a 10′ target / Women: 16lb to a 10′ target / Beginner: 10lb to an 8′ target)
Equipment Substitution: Thrusters (Men: 45lb / Women: 30lb / Beginner: 15lb)
Fitness Level Substitution: Push Presses
Set your clock for 10 one minute rounds. Every other minute you will perform 10 kettlebell swings and then as many wallball shots as you can with the remaining time in the minute taking the next minute as rest. You will do a total of 5 working minutes. Post your total number of wallball shots completed to comments.
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