10 Alternating Knee Hugs
10 Alternating Quad Stretches
10 Air Squats
10 meters Duck Walking
10 seconds Butt Kicks (50% Effort)
10 seconds High Knees (50% Effort)
10 seconds Butt Kicks (75% Effort)
10 seconds High Knees (75% Effort)
10 seconds Butt Kicks (100% Effort)
10 seconds High Knees (100% Effort)
10 Deadlifts (Just the Bar or PVC pipe)
5 Deadlifts (40% of your 1 Rep Max)
5 Deadlifts (50% of your 1 Rep Max)
5 Deadlifts (60% of your 1 Rep Max)
These percentages are based off of the maximum amount of weight you could deadlift one time = 1 Rep Max. If you do not know your 1 Rep Max, then use these percentages to estimate what your warm-up should look like.
Skills / Strength
Skills / Strength Rest Day
5 Rounds (2:00 Rest between Rounds)
400 meter Run (Beginner: 200m)
5 Deadlifts (Men: 275lb / Women: 205lb / Beginner: 95lb)
10 Lateral Burpees over the bar
You will complete 5 rounds of a 400 meter run, 5 deadlifts, and 10 lateral burpees as fast as you can. But, after each time through the round, you will rest exactly 2 minutes before you start your next round. Post your total time (including your rest) to comments.
5 Rounds Not for Time (1:00 Rest)
5 Right-legged Deadlifts (Light or no weight)
5 Left-legged Deadlifts (Light or no weight)
WOD at Home ©2012 – present