1:00 Neck Rolls
0:20 Big Arm Circles Backwards
3 X 0:20 Hollow Body Hold
400m Jog
10 Air Squats
Skills / Strength
12 Sets (0:30 Rest)
Today is meant to develop and train your explosive power. Perform 8 sets resting 30 seconds between sets with each consisting of 3 deadlifts at 75% of your one rep max. Get set for each deadlift and you focus, since it will be lighter, is to stand up with the weight as fast as you can. Don’t put too much weight on the bar as we are not using this as a max effort day, but a speed day. Lighter weight and 100% effort standing up with it.
5 Rounds for Time
15 Deadlifts (Men: 185lb / Women: 135lb / Beginner: 45lb)
Perform 5 rounds as fast as you can of 15 deadlifts and 10 lateral burpees. The weights are lighter today than usual, so just because you can do the RX weight, that does not mean you should use that weight. We want the weight to feel light to force you to try and get all 15 deadlifts in a row each round. It should be at about 40% of your 1 rep max. So, if you can deadlift 450lb, feel free to use 185lbs today;) We want fast times not heavy weights today. Post your times to comments.
3 Sets (1:00 Rest)
Use no weight. Go down until you can touch the ground with your hand and then come back up. Rest 1 minute between sets. One-legged deadlifts do a great job of training your muscles to fire in the correct sequence to maximize efficiency and safety.
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