1:00 Neck Rolls
Fitness Level Substitution: Downward Dog Knee Push-ups
10 Inch Worms
1:00 of different types of arm circles
10 Air Squats
Fitness Level Substitution: Downward Dog Knee Push-ups
Use the Skills / Strength for the rest of the warm-up today.
Skills / Strength
Practice handstands for 10 minutes.
3 X 3:00 AMRAPs (2:00 Rest)
3 Power Cleans (Men: 135lb / Women: 95lb / Beginner: 35lb)
Fitness Level Substitution: Knees-to-elbow OR Hanging Knee Raises OR Hang on the bar for 1 second per rep OR V sit-ups.
9 Push-ups
Fitness Level Substitution: Banded Push-ups or Knee Push-ups
AMRAP = As Many Reps As Possible
Set the clock for 3 minutes. Perform as many rounds and reps, in order, of 3 power cleans, 6 toes-to-bars, and 9 push-ups as you can in the 3 minutes. Rest 2 minutes and then repeat the 3 minute AMRAP for a total of 3 AMRAPs. Start each AMRAP where you left the last one off. Post your total reps to comments.
Fitness Level Substitution: Downward Dog Knee Push-ups
10 Inch Worms
1:00 of different types of arm circles
10 Air Squats
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