Find a 10-20 meter area you can move back and forth along. If you don’t have that space, get creative.
Karaoke (Down and Back)
10 Push-ups
Fitness Level Substitution: Knee Push-ups
10 Air Squats
Fitness Level Substitution: Squat and jump forward landing in another squat without landing on your hands.
Strength Warm-up
10 Overhead Squats (Just the Bar)
Fitness Level Substitution: Air Squats with hands in the air.
5 Overhead Squats (40% of your 1 Rep Max)
5 Overhead Squats (50% of your 1 Rep Max)
3 Overhead Squats (60% of your 1 Rep Max)
These percentages are based off of the maximum amount of weight you could overhead squat one time = 1 Rep Max. If you do not know your 1 Rep Max, then use these percentages to estimate what your warm-up should look like. Take the barbell off the rack like you are going to do a back squat. Step back from the rack. You will need to position your hands for the overhead squat. Then you will need to Push Jerk the weight into the overhead position. *If you do not have a squat rack, you will need to Power Clean the weight to your shoulders and then Push Press it overhead and down on your back before push jerking it overhead.
Skills / Strength
5 Sets (3:00 Rest)
Fitness Level Substitution: Air Squats with hands in the air.
Take the barbell off the rack like you are going to do a back squat. Step back from the rack. You will need to position your hands for the overhead squat. Then you will need to Push Jerk the weight into the overhead position. *If you do not have a squat rack, you will need to Power Clean the weight to your shoulders and then Push Press it overhead and down on your back before push jerking it overhead. Perform 5 sets of 3 overhead squats resting 3 minutes between sets. Work your way up to the heaviest set of 3 you can safely perform.
8 Rounds for Max Reps
0:20 Deadlifts (Men: 115lb / Women: 75lb / Beginner: 35lb)
0:10 Rest
0:20 Push Presses (Men: 115lb / Women: 75lb / Beginner: 35lb)
*You will need to Power Clean the weight to your shoulders.
0:10 Rest
Perform as many deadlifts as you can in 20 seconds. Then rest for 10 seconds. Then, using the same weight, perform as many push presses you can in 20 seconds. Rest 10 seconds and then repeat for a total of 8 rounds. The deadlifts are lighter, so the push press weight will be the limiting factor of this workout. Count your total reps and post them to comments.
3 Rounds (2:00 Rest)
Perform 3 rounds of 10 one legged deadlifts with a kettlebell. Rest around 2 minutes between each set. Use light weight and focus on as good of form as possible as you cool down.
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