10 Seconds Butt Kicks (50% effort)
10 Seconds High Knees (50% effort)
10 Seconds Rest
10 Seconds Butt Kicks (75% effort)
10 Seconds High Knees (75% effort)
10 Seconds Rest
10 Seconds Butt Kicks (100% effort)
10 Seconds High Knees (100% effort)
Skills / Strength
The Basics of Pose Running Techniques
For Time
400 meter Run
2:00 Rest
400 meter Run
2:00 Rest
400 meter Run
Then, immediately:
Thrusters (Men: 45lb / Women: 30lb / Beginner: 15lb)
Fitness Level Substitution: Push Presses
Kettlebell Swings (Men: 70lb / Women:55lb / Beginner: 25lb)
Fitness Level Substitution: Russian Kettlebell Swings
Run 400 meters and then rest 2 minutes. Run another 400 meters and rest another 2 minutes. Run one last 400 meter route and then (no rest) immediately perform 21 thrusters, then 21 kettlebell swings, then 15 of each and then 9 of each. Record your total time, including the rest and post to comments.
3 Sets (1:00 Rest)
6 Push Presses (Just the bar)
WOD at Home ©2012 – present
WOD Time: 15:15
65lb thrusters/35lb kettlebell swings